Monday 5 August 2013

Thunder, lightening and hail the size of quarters!!!

We had the most amazing hail storm yesterday! 
People were canoeing, swimming and generally enjoying Sunday on the lake - we were sitting in our favourite spot at the end of the pontoon and we heard thunder!  Coming from the park direction we saw big black clouds forming!
As they got bigger and closer the lightening cracked through them and the thunder boomed! Meanwhile the sun still shone down on us but people started leaving the lake!  Next a wind whipped up sending leaves and debris flying around and we retired to the safety of the caravan! 
The rain started.  Then the hail!  First the size of peas and then so ferocious that I wondered if they would break through the skylights on the caravan roof!  The cedar tree in front of us started swaying towards us and I was not sure if I was excited or scared or both!!
I didn't take any pictures of the hail - but this was the aftermath!

During the worst of it at SuperSave gas.

The Gas station at the top of the town!
Apparently the river road is washed away too 9km up from town.

Suddenly it was all over - the sun came out and we sat in the evening on the lake side at the BBQ and the sky was just amazing!

The fading light was so beautiful over the lake

and then the sky lit up with so many colours
Early this morning I heard Kai yelping with delight and leaping about under two cedar trees! He is always fascinated by the squirrels and at first I thought they were throwing the kernels at him!  I went over to have a look and the kernels were coming down so fast and from so many different places on the trees that I realised that couldn't be what was happening.  I need to look into this but I have a theory that after the heavy rain and with the first sun of the morning (it wasn't yet 7am) maybe the tree knows that this is a good time to shed it's kernels onto the wet ground?  Well that's my theory! :)

A bit later a beautiful red canoe drifted across the lake.  It went back and forth and I realised that there was no one in it!.  I rang the Painted Turtle Restaurant across the lake as their Dutch lake Resort has canoes but it wasn't theirs. I was just posting it on the Clearwater Info Facebook page when someone came to retrieve it. 

Such a pretty sight!

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