Thursday 8 August 2013

The big swimming pool at the bottom of the Garden!

We have had to move the caravan (travel trailer if you are Canadian or American!) back to the ranch as we are working full time there again.  Just before we left we were doing lots of land clear up and it was SO hot! 
I jumped in the lake and swam across, heading for the Island in the middle.  Neil saw me and shouted at me to come back (I later discovered it was because he thought I might have a heart attack or cramp!!!  Really!!!!!)
It was so cool and wonderful - but rather murky after the storm so I didn't swim with my head submerged this time!

Hmmm I am the dot in the middle of the white patch just above the bow of the boat.

Later we sat at the BBQ and I saw a heron and three ducks and by the time I got the camera they all fitted into the same picture!

Aha - now I have learnt how to make the picture bigger!  As you can see in the picture (x - large it says) the ducks splodged through the lily pads with their big webbed feet but the poor heron seems to have sunk right in!!  Spot the ducks!!!  They are in front of the heron!

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