Friday 4 October 2013

Faster than the speed of light!!!

The framing started to go up in the morning...

and by the end of the day it was done!!!!

 In the evening the sky was red and this morning (4th Oct) the weather is lovely and lived up to its promise!  The flooring for the upper floor arrives next and then we are ready for the log part apparently!!! This will all happen at once - the log walls will be built in a day and a half (!) and then on about the 16th the windows will be fitted and on the same day the SIPS roof panels will arrive and be craned into place!  SO exciting!!!!


  1. You and Neil have another beautiful place. I can't wait to see the finished product in photos THEN in person. So excited for you guys! Hope everything goes smooth for you. You'll have to tell me all about the Stand up Paddling. I want to learn to do that next summer.

  2. We really enjoy your enthusiasm and how fun (and rare) for us to see the site prep from your perspective before the logs arrive. Looking good!
