Friday 29 November 2013


A whole month has gone by since I wrote this blog! We have been so busy with all the building and permits and choosing things (I love that part - who wouldn't!?) and the colours of the autumn (fall here) changed the scene completely!  This was a view from the dining room window just before the window actually went in!

and it quickly changed to this
 Snow came early this year!  The end of October saw the first flakes and now the lake is freezing over.  I have tried to take picture of the otters (or something like them but smaller?) who sit on the edge of where ever the ice has got to as it freezes across but haven;t managed to get a decent picture yet
A view from the side of the house.  We dropped to -16 a week ago and will be going even lower next week I am told! At the moment it is positively tropical at -2  !!
 Here it is so far!  Not looking too pretty with all the unfinishedness - but it will improve!!  Inside we have a huge log burning stove and the kitchen is coming together.  Hydro finally managed to get electricity hooked up yesterday and the plumbing passed its pressure test too today - we had to quickly drain it all again before it froze and split the pipes!

 So glad that the ground wasn't so frozen that they couldn't get the pole into it!!  So good to have electricity!  Need to choose some light fittings now! :)

We found some crazy marble (granite??) at a place in Kamloops and both choose it straight away - without any arguments! Looks a bit messy in the picture - but really looks great with a light on it.  Would mask any messes too I guess!!! Not that I will make any of course!! :0
Sunrise over an icy lake!  Just can't wait to move in!!!! In a few weeks apparently it will be frozen enough to walk on and people will be out there ice fishing!!!  I should sell mulled wine from the end of the pontoon!